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1906:    born in Rabenstein (D)
1933:    joins the NSDAP 

Ab 1934:    member of the SS working for the Gestapo in Berlin 

1940:    head of the Gestapo in Koblenz (D)

Ab 1941:    head of the Gestapo in Trier (D) and Luxembourg; carries out the large-scale deportations of the Jewish population to the ghettos in the East

1942:    president of the Luxembourg court-martial

1943:    dismissed as Gestapo head and transfer to the Eastern Front

1946:    arrest in Aichach (D) and extradition to Luxembourg

1951:    death sentence by the court of war crimes in Luxembourg; later commuted to life imprisonment with hard labour 

1957:    released after 11 years and extradited to the Federal Republic of Germany
Fritz Hartmann grew up in normal family circumstances. In 1934, after completing his studies, he was accepted into the SS and worked for the Gestapo in Berlin. He had joined the NSDAP one year earlier. Fritz Hartmann worked his way up: on 8 March 1941, he was appointed head of the Gestapo in Trier and Luxembourg. From then on he spent most of his time in Luxembourg. He was regarded as aloof and coarse, and he was one of the main perpetrators of the persecution of Jews in Luxembourg. He made the situation of the Jews even worse by issuing additional decrees. Starting in August 1941, he had an empty convent in Fünfbrunnen converted into a “Jewish old people’s home”. Over 300 Jews were imprisoned there until 1943. Hartmann inspected the place regularly, made life for the inmates even more difficult, harassed them and stole from them. From October 1941, Jews in Luxembourg were deported to the ghettos and extermination camps of eastern Europe. Fritz Hartmann often personally supervised the process. He also took harsh action against resistance fighters. When a “general strike” broke out in Luxembourg in August/September 1942, he had it brutally suppressed. A state of emergency was imposed on Luxembourg and courts-martial were held, presided by Hartmann. Strike participants were arbitrarily charged, with no lawyer allowed to defend them. Hartmann intimidated the defendants, insulted them and gave them no opportunity to defend themselves. The court-martial sentenced 20 Luxembourgers to death and resettled their families in Poland or in what is now the Czech Republic.
Poster “Das Standgericht” (The Court-Martial), Luxembourg 1942
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The convent at Fünfbrunnen, site of the “Jewish Old People’s Home”
Als ich in Fünfbrunnen war, kam Hartmann wiederholt dorthin. Niemand durfte ihn anschauen. Von den Juden, welche nach Fünfbrunnen gebracht worden waren, hatte dieser oder jener seine Sachen in einen schönen Koffer verpackt. [...] Ich konnte zusehen, wie Hartmann sich verschiedene der schönsten Koffer aussuchte. Hartmann nahm das wahr und sofort begann er zu brüllen: „ Sie werden erschossen, Sie werden erschossen! “ Ich stritt [...] ab, ihn beobachtet zu haben.
Henriette Kleeblatt, contemporary witness account, date unknown
The skull, symbol of the SS, which included Fritz Hartmann among its ranks
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